Thomas R. Eimer & Flavia Donadelli (2021) Paradoxes of Ratification: The Nagoya Protocol and Brazilian State Transformations

Thomas R. Eimer & & Flavia Donadelli (2021) Paradoxes of Ratification: The Nagoya Protocol and Brazilian State Transformations Abstract This article explores the paradoxical behaviour of Brazil in relation to its national and international approaches to the regulations of access to genetic resources and benefits sharing with indigenous and other traditional communities. Brazil was oneContinuar lendo “Thomas R. Eimer & Flavia Donadelli (2021) Paradoxes of Ratification: The Nagoya Protocol and Brazilian State Transformations”

Thomas R. Eimer (2021) Fragment: Property and Rule in the 21st Century

Thomas R. Eimer (2021) Property and Rule in the 21st Century Preface The purpose of this fragment is to summarize those insights I have been able to gain in the course of research and teaching over the last 16 years. The core area of my thinking has been, in a variety fields and with referenceContinuar lendo “Thomas R. Eimer (2021) Fragment: Property and Rule in the 21st Century”

Thomas R. Eimer: Fragmento Eigentum. Eigentum und Herrschaft im 21. Jahrhundert

Thomas R. Eimer (2021) Fragment:Eigentum und Herrschaft im 21. Jahrhundert Vorwort Dieses Fragment hat die Zielsetzung, jene Einsichten zusammenzufassen, die ich im Rahmen von For- schung und Lehre während der letzten 16 Jahre gewinnen durBe. Kerngebiet meines Denkens war in variierenden Gebieten und anhand verschiedener empirischer Problemstellungen die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Eigentum undContinuar lendo “Thomas R. Eimer: Fragmento Eigentum. Eigentum und Herrschaft im 21. Jahrhundert”

Thomas R. Eimer: Community, society, and property: REDD+ and indigenous groups in Mato Grosso (Brazil)

Thomas R. Eimer (2020) Community, society, and property: REDD+ and indigenous groups in Mato Grosso (Brazil) Abstract The article investigates the impact of REDD+ programs on indigenous livelihoods. Referring to Ferdinand Tönnies’ distinction, it argues that the involvement of indigenous groups with REDD+ fosters a transition from locally oriented, self-sustaining “communities” towards individualistic and market-orientedContinuar lendo “Thomas R. Eimer: Community, society, and property: REDD+ and indigenous groups in Mato Grosso (Brazil)”

Thomas R. Eimer & Maliene Kip: Nature conservation, indigenous rights, and settler colonialism: The politics of payments for ecosystem services in Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil)

Thomas R. Eimer / Maliene Kip (2020) Nature conservation, indigenous rights, and settler colonialism: The politics of payments for ecosystem services in Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil) Payments for ecosystem services (PES) are strongly criticized by political ecology scholars. Predominantly, their critique is rooted in notions of distributive justice, as they focus on the negativeContinuar lendo “Thomas R. Eimer & Maliene Kip: Nature conservation, indigenous rights, and settler colonialism: The politics of payments for ecosystem services in Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil)”

Thomas R. Eimer & Jorrit Luimers: Onion governance: Securing drug transactions in dark net market platforms

Thomas R. Eimer / Jorrit Luimers (2018/19) Onion governance: Securing drug transactions in dark net market platforms Abstract In public debates, the dark net is usually demonized as a trafficking platform and occasionally praised as a free haven for whistleblowers and dissidents from authoritarian regimes. The highly normative debate, however, obfuscates that the dark netContinuar lendo “Thomas R. Eimer & Jorrit Luimers: Onion governance: Securing drug transactions in dark net market platforms”